The image and dignity of family doctors must also be defended because territorial assistance is an indispensable element for the sustainability of the NHS. This is the message launched by the union secretary, who asks for concrete solutions for health care or there will be a clash. The integral relation of Milillo.
04 OCT – The accounts do not add up. Although the appeal to family doctors continues to maintain a growing trend among citizens and territorial assistance is now considered a fundamental element for the sustainability of the NHS, the figure of the family doctor is under siege. Just as the path for the re-foundation of general medicine is not yet without obstacles, even if the Balduzzi Decree contains many steps forward. For this reason, Fimmg professionals hope for the support of those who govern those who "work with commitment and seriousness and defend their image and dignity".
Doctors will do their part: they will support the NHS. But on the condition that a frank and fair confrontation is opened, to find concrete solutions for health care and "uncomfortable escape routes". If all this is not understood and accepted in these terms, a dangerous season of confrontation between the parties will begin. Up to "pick up the pitchforks".
This is the message launched by Giacomo Milillo, in his report at the 67th Fimmg Metis National Congress underway in Villasimius, entitled "Professional integration: a necessary choice".
A detailed report that touched on many topics: from the reputation of general medicine, to solutions for the NHS, from the reform of territorial assistance to pharmaceutical assistance. The theme of the Balduzzi Decree was also touched upon, on which the rewriting of some parts of the text is taking shape.
A category under siege. Although citizens' trust in doctors remains intact, there is no shortage of critical issues. Institutional interlocutors, Regions first and foremost, increasingly resort to "authoritarian impositions" with laws, directives and arbitrary interpretations of regulations. But even the laws and companies, in the name of appropriateness, do everything to erode credit on the professional skills of doctors. An example? To access innova medicines